Two Month Update

Updates on our tiny humans are pretty short and sweet!  All pictures and day-to-day updates can be found on our Instagram -- FOLLOW US HERE.  I've found out that I'm way too lazy to keep track of all the photos to get them posted on here, and instead the instant gratification of posting them on social media is more my jam.

First off, the quads are two months!

They also celebrated their Due Date Day!

Let's also all celebrate that I've been able to give them a bath roughly every 48-hours!

Second, here are some individual kiddo updates:

Quad A -- Virgil Erich
Poor Virgil got hit hard with a stuffy nose and his vaccine shots all in one day.  He hasn't had a reaction to them, but he has been a tad needy ever since.  Medically, he is a perfect little peach!  Emotionally, I fear this time in his life is going to come catapulting back when he's in therapy as a middle-aged man.  Poor delicate flower.

Quad B -- Ruby Bridget
Ruby is now the smallest of the quads!  Only by an ounce, but it still counts in Kit's world!  We are still working on the daily battle of bottle feeding correctly, but she continues to put on weight which is all that matters in the end.  We go in to the cardiologist next week, but my guess is that it's just to adjust her med dosage according to her weight gain.

Quad C -- Jax Aaron
Jax is just trying to stay ahead of Virgil in weight.  Seriously, that's the only update I have on him beyond that he will snuggle anywhere, anytime...but not with anyone, because that's weird to say about my infant son.

Quad D -- Kit Jessalyn
Kit is turning into a chunker!  I even discovered a rash in her neck folds in front of the doctor -- so embarrasing! -- but still she's gained enough weight to develop neck folds!  

Big Sis -- Elsie Kate

For those sweet people that check in on Elsie's status -- THANK YOU.  Big sister is plowing through the whole adjustment process with flying colors and is doing great with working through "using her words" when she gets frustrated.  Keep in mind that she just turned 2 in February, so her ability to ask for what she wants without hitting and crying is just forming as we speak.  She helps with general tasks like putting dirty clothes in the hamper, waiting for her turn, and finding/giving pacifiers.  That last one is a doozy.  Elsie hasn't stolen pacifiers from the babes, but her attempts at offering them to the babies come with some aggressive motions that make me cringe every time!

Last, as you can guess, our home life has aggressively changed.  Let's take a hot second to talk about how this has affected our marriage: IT HASN'T!


Hot mess express rolling in!  *CHOO* *CHOO*

My best advice for someone with multiples (or even one kiddo): DON'T KEEP SCORE. 

The fact is, someone is always going to lose.  It is the hardest thing to do, but SO worth it.

Every diaper change, bottle fed, cry soothed, and time spent up in the middle of the night -- cash it in as a win for the team* and the goal of keeping the kid(s) happy, healthy, and alive.  This helps with the massive amounts of "mom guilt" that comes slamming into my chest when I leave my husband (or anyone) in charge of our tiny humans.

Now, please understand that we have quadruplets and a toddler -- there is NO ESCAPE FROM PARENTAL DUTIES.

There's a reason why my husband takes 20-minute poops.  We both know he's not pooping the whole time!

But before you think this is a husband-rant, I must say he is tackling this whole dad-of-5-bit with flying colors!  I'm not ready to hand off the keys to the castle, a.k.a. juggling medical appointments or our finances, but he's crushing the day-to-day!

I should also mention that I'm a middle school teacher -- positive reinforcement, recognition, and praise get you far, so I'm going for the long game.  The short game is getting more than 3-hours of sleep by any means necessary.  The long game is being able to walk away from this still able to claim 5 dependents while filing our joint taxes.  Still being able to sit on a clean toilet, have a homecooked meal within 50-feet of one another a few nights a week, and not lose all my hair from stress?  That's all a bonus.

*Team meaning anyone that is involved in keeping your tiny human(s) alive.  At this point, I consider the Target checkout person a part of my team.
